Thursday 28 March 2013

Happy Birthday Julia!

Someone is turning 25 today and we are ALL SO EXCITED!!! (mainly me because we get to eat CAKE) Without Julia I probably would failed a lot of my assignments, exams and other projects, would have been in the wrong room all year long, would never know what to do, would never catch my bus on time and would not have a job (true story)!
You are an indispensable part of my life here and I am so glad we met


1 comment :

  1. awww, du übertreibst ;)
    aber tausend dank für heute - das war einer meiner schönsten Geburtstage überhaupt, so perfekt und lieb! Ich bin immernoch ganz gerührt und weiß gar nicht wie ich dir Danke sagen soll... Du bist die Beste!!!! <3 (und wenn ich Herzchen benutze, dann will das was heißen ;) )
