Wednesday 6 March 2013

My Smash Book {summer at camp 2012}


I love Scrapbooking. The first time I discovered the arts&crafts store in New York, I thought I was in heaven. and I was hooked. My USA Scrapbook is easily worth 200$ but it is my master piece. It weighs so much and is so fragile that I can't bring it to Scotland, which makes me so sad! Maybe one day. However, I brought my Camp Scrapbook because it is smaller and lighter and I still need to finish tiny bits and pieces. This time I went for a Smash Book, because it already has the backgrounds included and you don't need to buy so much extra stuff. I bought mine in Target in the States, but you can also order it from Amazon or in Germany I bought one here: Scrapbook Werkstatt. There are various versions and everyone has different backgrounds. There is a "small" version, which I have and the big one is proper Scrapbook size (12x12). I also saw a tiny tiny one, which is SO CUTE! Anyway, it was super easy to do this one and I had leftover scrapbooking stuff so I was done in no time. 

So after the cut I will show you my favorite pages.

(It is still now 100% done, I am missing a couple horse pictures from the other girls and that sorta thing)

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